Adrien Pouliot Award

Veselin JungicPortrait of Veselin Jungic writing on a board

Dr. Jungic receives the Adrien Poulio Award in recognition of his outstanding contributions to mathematics education. Throughout his career, Dr. Jungic has pushed forward our understanding of mathematics education and implemented practical solutions for teaching. He has documented his work in a series of over 40 math education-related publications in order to share his experiences with others.

Veselin Jungic, also known lovingly as Veso in the mathematics community, is a Teaching Professor at the Department of Mathematics, Simon Fraser University. He has been teaching mathematics at the post-secondary level since 1978. Dr. Jungic is a 3M National Teaching Fellow and a recipient of several teaching awards, including the Canadian Mathematical Society Teaching Award and the Pacific Institute for Mathematical Sciences Educational Award. Most of his research is in Ramsey theory and the field of mathematics education and outreach. He has authored and coauthored papers with numerous educational themes, mostly based on his own teaching practices.

CMS Excellence in Teaching Award

Joseph KhouryJoseph Khoury's picture against a background of trees

Dr. Khoury has been a lecturer at the University of Ottawa for over 20 years. He received his B.Sc. (Hons.) from the Lebanese University in Beirut and his Ph.D. from the University of Ottawa in 2001, for a thesis focused on types of locally nilpotent derivations, a subject linked to Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry.

Since 2001, Dr. Khoury has also held the position of coordinator of Math Help Centre in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Ottawa where he also leads the department’s outreach program. He has received many awards and honours throughout his career including the Part-Time Professor of Year Award, which is the University of Ottawa’s most prestigious award for teaching by a Lecturer, the Outstanding Contribution to Students’ Experience Award, and the CMS Distinguished Service Award. He has inspired countless students and many colleagues with his passion for teaching and mathematics education.

Coxeter-James Prize​

Jacopo De Simoi

Dr. Jacopo De Simoi (Toronto) has been named the recipient of the 2020 Coxeter-James Prize for his work in the area of dynamical systems. Dr. De Simoi works mainly in the field of dynamical systems but he has very wide interests spanning from the study of near integrable systems to strongly chaotic ones. He has worked on some of the most prominent outstanding problems in the field, from the study of the standard map to the statistical properties of partially hyperbolic systems. 

After obtaining Bachelor’s and Masters’ degrees in Physics from the University of Pisa in Italy, Jacopo De Simoi received his Ph.D. in mathematics from the University of Maryland in 2009. He has held postdoctoral positions in Paris, Rome, and Toronto, before moving to the University of Toronto in Mississauga, where he has been assistant professor since 2016.

Doctoral Prize

Duncan Dauvergne

Duncan Dauvergne is an exceptional mathematician whose recently completed PhD thesis comprises several outstanding results unexpected at this stage of one’s career. Duncan solved, or significantly contributed to solving, three open problems in probability explaining, among other things, a phenomenon that tantalized researchers in probability, combinatorics and statistical physics. This phenomenon is, in essence, that random systems behave in surprisingly non-random ways.  

Duncan Dauvergne completed his PhD at the University of Toronto under the supervision of Bálint Virág in 2019. He is the author and co-author of several articles published in professional journals such as The Annals of ProbabilityAnnales de l’Institute Henri Poincaré, and Transactions of the AMS. Since September 2019, Duncan Dauvergne is an instructor and NSERC postdoctoral fellow at Princeton University.


G. de B. Robinson Award

Chao Zhang

Professor Chao Zhang is being recognized for his paper “Ekedahl-Oort Strata for Good Reductions of Shimura Varieties of Hodge Type” (Canad. J. Math. 70 (2018), no. 1, 451-480).

Dr. Zhang is currently an Associate Professor of Shing-Tung Yau Center of Southeast University in Nanjing, China. After finishing his graduate study in China, he received a scholarship from the Erasmus Mundus ALGANT-DOC doctoral program, and became a Ph.D. student at Leiden University and at the University of Milan, with advisors Prof. Bas Edixhoven and Prof. Fabrizio Andreatta. Upon obtaining his Ph.D. in 2013, he started a postdoc in the Yau Mathematical Sciences Center (Tsinghua University, Beijing) and the Institute of Mathematics of Academia Sinica (Taipei). He joined Southeast University in December 2019.

Graham Wright Award for Distinguished Service

Claude Levesque

Claude Levesque has made sustained and distinguished contributions to the Canadian mathematical community and, in particular, to the Canadian Mathematical Society (CMS) in numerous ways. 

Dr. Levesque finished his undergraduate studies at Université Laval in 1970 where he then continued his studies and received his Master’s degree in mathematics in 1973. In the following years, Dr. Levesque completed his Ph.D. at the Illinois Institute of Technology. He has been teaching at Laval University since 1986, but has served as invited professors in many different universities such as University of Hawaii, Concordia University and University of Saga.

Jeffery-Williams Prize

Juncheng Wei

Dr. Wei has been named the recipient of the 2020 CMS Jeffery-Williams Prize for his exceptional contributions to the theoretical development and interdisciplinary applications of nonlinear partial differential equations. Dr. Wei’s research is remarkable in its breadth, depth, originality and influence. It is broadly concerned with developing tools of mathematical analysis and applying them to shed light on phenomena in physics and biology, which are described by mathematical models.

Juncheng Wei received his Ph.D. in mathematics from the University of Minnesota in 1994. He was postdoctoral fellow at SISSA in Italy before becoming professor at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, where he worked from 1995 until 2012. Since 2012, he has been Canada Research Chair (Tier I) at UBC.

Krieger-Nelson Prize

Sujatha Ramdorai

Dr. Ramdorai has been named the recipient of the 2020 Krieger-Nelson Prize for her exceptional contributions to mathematics research. Dr. Ramdorai (or Sujatha, as she prefers to be known) is a versatile, creative and technically powerful mathematician. She is awarded the Krieger-Nelson Prize for her work that covers a broad range of subjects, including motives, K-theory and arithmetic geometry.

About a decade ago, Sujatha joined the Mathematics Department at the University of British Columbia as a Tier I Canada Research Chair. At the UBC, she continued her work on motives, K-theory and Iwasawa theory. In recent years, Sujatha has become a bridge between Canadian and Indian mathematical landscapes and has played an important role in opening up opportunities for junior researchers in both countries.