In 2021, the CMS will be electing eleven (11) officers and directors. Candidates have to agree to the nomination and provide the committee with biographical information.

You are invited to nominate members to be candidates and their nominations will be accepted by the Nominating Committee prior to March 1, 2021 provided that each person nominated: (i) is supported in writing by at least five (5) other members of the CMS; and (ii) has given written acceptance to stand for office and to supply biographical information.

Nominations with supporting materials should be e-mailed to or sent to:

Nominating Committee Chair
Canadian Mathematical Society
209 – 1725 St. Laurent Blvd.
Ottawa, ON  K1G 3V4  Canada

Nominations are being solicited for the following slate of candidates for the Executive Committee (length of elected term in parentheses):

  • President-Elect (1 year)/President (2 years)/Past-President (1 year);
  • Vice-President – Atlantic (N.B., P.E.I., N.S., N.L.) (4 years); and
  • Vice-President – Pacific (B.C., Yukon) (4 years).

Nominations are also being solicited for Board of Directors members (length of elected term in parentheses):

  • Atlantic – 1 member (4 years);
  • Quebec – 1 member (4 years);
  • Ontario – 2 members (4 years);
  • West – 1 member (4 years);
  • Pacific – 2 members (4 years); and
  • Student – 1 member (2 years).

The CMS will hold the election electronically in April 2021 and the results formally approved in June at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) in Ottawa, Ontario. Updated information will be periodically e-mailed to members and posted on the CMS website at on the Election page.

Alexandre Girouard
Chair, CMS Nominating Committee