2024 CMS Excellence in Teaching Award

The CMS Excellence in Teaching Award Selection Committee invites nominations for the 2024 Excellence in Teaching Award.
The Excellence in Teaching Award focuses on the recipient’s proven excellence as a teacher at the undergraduate level, including at universities, colleges and cégeps, as exemplified by unusual effectiveness in the classroom and/or commitment and dedication to teaching and to students. The dossier should provide evidence of the effectiveness and impact of the nominee’s teaching. The prize recognizes sustained and distinguished contributions in teaching at the post-secondary undergraduate level at a Canadian institution. Only full-time teachers or professors who have been at their institution for at least five years will be considered. The nomination will remain active for three years, with a possibility to update.
The CMS aims to promote and celebrate diversity in the broadest sense. We strongly encourage department chairs and nominating committees to put forward nominations for outstanding colleagues regardless of race, gender, ethnicity or sexual orientation.
A nomination will consist of:
- a signed nominating statement from a present or past colleague, or collaborator (no more than three pages) having direct knowledge of the nominee’s contribution;
- a curriculum vitae (maximum five pages);
- three letters of support, at least one from a former student (who has followed a course more than a year ago) and one from the chair of the nominee’s unit. The letter of the Chair of the nominee’s unit could include a one-page summary on information from student evaluations, or similar information;
- other supporting material (maximum 10 pages).
Nominations and reference letters should be submitted electronically, preferably in PDF format, to: etaward@cms.math.ca no later than the deadline of November 15, 2023.