Call for Associate Editors CJM/CMB

The Publications Committee of the CMS solicits nominations for Associate Editors for the Canadian Journal of Mathematics (CJM) and the Canadian Mathematical Bulletin (CMB). The appointment will be for five years beginning January 1, 2023. There are four available associate editor positions on the CJM/CMB Editorial Board.
For over sixty years, the Canadian Journal of Mathematics (CJM) and the Canadian Mathematical Bulletin (CMB) have been the flagship research journals of the Society, devoted to publishing original research works of high standard. The CJM publishes longer papers with six issues per year and the CMB publishes shorter papers with four issues per year. CJM and CMB are supported by respective Editors-in-Chief and share a common Editorial Board.
Expressions of interest should include your curriculum vitae and your cover letter and sent electronically to: before November 15, 2022.
If you have any questions, please contact us at the email above.