The Canadian Mathematical Society (CMS) welcomes and invites proposals for mini-courses for the CMS 75th +1 Anniversary Summer Meeting in Ottawa from June 4-7, 2021.

Priority will be given to sessions in complementary areas; new organizers are invited to contact existing organizers of closely related sessions to optimize complementarity. Existing sessions can be found here:

Proposals should include:

  • The names, affiliations, and contact information of the main organizers;
  • A title and brief description of the focus and purpose of the session.
  • a preliminary list of potential speakers, with their affiliations and if they have agreed to participate, along with a total number of expected speakers. 

Sessions will take place June 4-7. They will be advertised in the CMS Notes, on the CMS website, and in the AMS Notices. Speakers will be requested to submit abstracts, which will be published on the web site and in the meeting program.

Those wishing to organize a session should send a proposal to the Scientific Directors:

Ailana Fraser (University of British Columbia)

Monica Nevins (University of Ottawa)

Moteja Šajna (University of Ottawa)