Call for Sessions: 2022 CMS Winter Meeting

2022 CMS Winter Meeting
December 2-5, The Chelsea Hotel, Toronto, Ontario
The Canadian Mathematical Society (CMS) welcomes and invites session proposals and mini-course proposals for the 2022 CMS Winter Meeting in Toronto from December 2-5, 2022.
PLEASE NOTE: Due to the uncertainty surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2022 Winter Meeting may be switched to an online platform. If alternative arrangements must be made, the CMS will advise all registrants of the changes as soon as possible.
In accordance with the CMS mandate to propose conferences which are accessible and welcoming to all groups, diversity amongst organizers and speakers is strongly encouraged. Diversity includes topics of interest, career stages, geographic location, and demographics.
Proposals should include:
(1) Names, affiliations, and contact information for all session co-organizers. Early career researchers are encouraged to propose sessions.
(2) A title and brief description of the topic and purpose of the session. This can include an overview of the subject.
(3) The total number of expected talks, with a list of possible speakers and/or papers in the theme. It is expected that all sessions will make efforts to include speakers from designated underrepresented groups. These groups include, but are not limited to, women, Indigenous Peoples, persons with disabilities, members of visible minority/racialized groups, and members of LGBTQ2+ communities. Intention to include new PhD’s and to make the session accessible to graduate students is also encouraged.
Open Call for Abstracts: The CMS will continue the open abstract submission process that was recently introduced to support session organizers in their important work and in their efforts towards inclusivity and diversity.
The CMS kindly asks session organizers to consider all eligible abstract submissions for their session, as up to 30 speakers per session can be accommodated.
The scientific sessions will take place from December 3-5, 2022.
The CMS is offering three-hour mini courses to add more value to meetings and make them more attractive to students and researchers.
The mini courses will be held on Friday, December 2, before the public lecture, and include topics suitable for graduate students, postdocs and other interested parties.
Proposals should include names, affiliations, and contact information for all the mini-course co-organizers, as well as a title and brief description of the focus of the mini-course.
Deadline: Proposals should be submitted by Monday, September 12, 2022 to the Scientific Directors and the CMS Office should be cc’ed. Their contact information is as follows:
Ada Chan:
Gregory Smith:
Jessica Horobetz: