Susan Friedlander
The goal of the Mathematical Congress of the Americas (MCA) is to internationally highlight the excellence of mathematical achievements in the Americas and foster collaborations among researchers, students, institutions and mathematical societies in the Americas. We are very happy to bring to your attention the next MCA which will be held in 2021 in Buenos Aires and urge you to look at the web site www.mca2021.org
The decision to launch these quadrennial Congresses was taken in New Orleans in January, 2011 at a meeting of the founding mathematical societies, namely the AMS (US), CMS (Canada), SBM (Brazil), SIAM (US), SMM (Mexico) and UMALCA (Latin America Union). The inaugural MCA was held in the summer of 2013 in Guanajuato, Mexico. It was an important mathematical event that greatly increased communication and cooperation among mathematicians throughout the Americas. The setting of the lovely town of Guanajuto and the gracious hospitality of the Mexican hosts ensured a delightful background for excellent mathematics. The Canadian mathematical community played host to the 2017 Mathematical Congress of the Americas in Montreal, from July 24 to the 28th. By all accounts, the event was a great success with close to 1100 participants.
The third MCA 2021 will take place in the historic capital city of Argentina and will be hosted by the Departamento de Matemática, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales of Universidad de Buenos Aires. We are pleased to report that a large new building on the campus has recently been completed and will provide a spacious and convenient setting for all the activities of the MCA2021. The scientific program of the Congress is well underway with the selection of the plenary and invited speakers. Their selection by the international scientific program committee is based on excellence in research and very good expository skills. These outstanding mathematicians include Ian Agol, Julia Chuzhoy, Carlos Kenig, Alan Sly, Claire Voisin and Miguel Walsh. We strongly encourage mathematicians from all over the Americas to submit proposals for special sessions following the information found at www.mca2021.org. We seek to host many special sessions on a very broad selection of topics and with diverse participation.
Argentina has a very strong tradition of mathematical research. Pioneering work in the early 1900’s set the foundations for the development of a wide variety of areas where Argentinian mathematicians have a strong presence. Some Argentinians established major centers in mathematical institutes in Buenos Aires, Cordoba, Santa Fe, Bahia Blanca and La Plata. Many Argentinian mathematicians are well-known for their results, with A. Calderon, L. Caffarelli and C. Kenig being prominent examples in the field of analysis. The country of MCA2021 is an excellent site to host a major international mathematical event, both because of its strong culture of mathematics and its very attractive location. We urge our colleagues in all parts of the Americas to place Buenos Aires in July 2021 on their calendars for a very special Congress.