Shift Change at the Education Notes

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Education Notes
December 2024 TOC icon
Education Notes
December 2024 (Vol. 56, No. 6)

This is the last month in which John Grant McLoughlin will be co-editing the Education Notes. John has been filling this role with different co-editors for fifteen years. That’s a long time in any discipline, and in some ways, maybe more so in math education than in mathematics itself. Most results in mathematics are definite: they may not be the last word, but each level is usually strong enough to support the next. Math education works with the “gnarled timber of humanity” and one decade’s new idea may be another decade’s deprecated approach or failed experiment. This, of course, makes timely reporting even more important! For many decades, the column has kept us up to date with a huge range of useful and thought-provoking articles on various aspects of math education, most recently under John’s guidance. Thanks, John! Your work has been appreciated.

In the January issue, Egan Chernoff will begin working with Kseniya Garaschuk on the column. Welcome, Egan!

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